Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Looking for Signs

I have an affinity for signs.  I love the messages,meaning and stories behind them, the typography and color.  Here are a few signs that we've recently brought into our home.

I fell in love with this flower sign because it reminds me of the giant bouquets that Seattle is known for and what usually inspires me to paint--flowers!  And who doesn't love fresh cut flowers?  They are my favorite way to decorate my home.

When we spotted this at an antique market, we knew we had to have it.  My hubby works in local government, and in our old town we often had citizens show up at our door to tell us they didn't like where a tree was planted or that they should not have been pulled over and served a speeding ticket.  Ironically, the spot where we chose to hang it is right by our front door with the arrow pointing outside.  We didn't plan it that way, but we think it is fitting!

Our most exciting recent sign is our town's giant little league scoreboard that was recently replaced with an electronic one.  I emailed the president of our town's little league board (who also happens to be my son's coach) asking if I could have it if they were throwing it away, and they gave it to us!  We plan to clean it up and either put in our playroom or outside.  They even gave us the old numbers to hang.

We found the sign below in our garage when we moved in and thought it was cute because Skylar had a dance party in our basement.  Now it sits outside near our garage and art studio.

I also like making my own signs.  Skylar chose these words for our kitchen.

I found this cute chalkboard for a steal at a local shop and love this reminder that we see when we leave the house.

And our Cannon Beach, OR sign commemorates our first trip to the Oregon Coast when we stayed at a B&B in Cannon Beach.

I wish I had an old sign from my dad's company, but I am thinking of replicating one. It's official--I am addicted to decorating with signs.

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